The News Room
15 August 2008 - Back in a month *EDIT*
No�replies to email or post.� We are CLOSED.
Run amok through the
newsroom, gallery, articles during that time.
'Read more' below �for the last time til Sept 12.
12 August 2008 - Nostalgia and Everfreshness
Not least, but just about last.

11 August 2008 - Llwellyn's Lathe - August
Heart warming as always.
11 August 2008 - No fun day.
New and old.

11 August 2008 - Truth or Dare

08 August 2008 - True love and technology

07 August 2008 - All the 8's
8 8 8. Cant wait.

05 August 2008 - Road Grime
Indexing ahead.

04 August 2008 - Sundays in the sunshine
MDMA hosted a steller skid comp.

03 August 2008 -

03 August 2008 - Bike thieves will be punished by force
Stolen rides.
02 August 2008 - Weak off
Upgrades to the Turbo track rig.

28 July 2008 - On your own
How Cadel must feel

25 July 2008 - 2A or not 2A
That is the question.

25 July 2008 - Influenza Friday
Stuff and (mostly) nonsense.

23 July 2008 - Coming to the Big Apple
23 July 2008 - Meggs is a dentist
So we can't show you his face on the inter-television.
23 July 2008 - Rocky Road to Residency
Stringent quality control.

23 July 2008 - For the record
Sometimes it's not all Campagnolo and high flanges.

22 July 2008 - Kampai!
Hubba hubba.

18 July 2008 - Raising the (riser) bar
Filthy content.
18 July 2008 - Flanges and drugs
The high and low.

17 July 2008 - Bragging rights.
Short and sweet.

15 July 2008 - Rest day
A day off for pro's and amateurs alike.

15 July 2008 - Ride safe?
14 July 2008 - Occam's razor
It's obvious

14 July 2008 - Sunday Roast
Content ahead that may offend vegetarian viewers.

11 July 2008 - Pumped
Here come the hills!

10 July 2008 - GREATEST HITS
Vol 1.
The beginning of the end?

10 July 2008 - You don't know me
Tough nuts from the Big Apple.

09 July 2008 - Hey! Can't you see I'm driving here!
I care - about me.
08 July 2008 - Divining rod
Bringing bad weather to a city near you.

07 July 2008 - All this month
Cameo's and 'The Big Loop'

04 July 2008 - Velo whipped
It may not be pretty, but it works.

04 July 2008 - Far Ken Evans...
A rough diamond.

04 July 2008 - Since 1998 *edit*
Reading between the lines

02 July 2008 - The dog house
Henry and Master.

02 July 2008 - Gear up for July
Happy Canada Day!
CYCLING verbage also...
01 July 2008 - Another pinch and a punch
From Darrell McCulluch.
30 June 2008 - Playing catch up
Round 6, velospotting, fine grinds, and some bad news

23 June 2008 - Not stopping anytime soon
Plans for world velo-domination.

20 June 2008 - I beat Lance Armstrong...
...and Extreme Urban Biking
20 June 2008 - Australia - the answer is:
Ride a bike.

20 June 2008 - Internet diahorhea
Just the spelling alone is messy.
We've got the e-runs.

19 June 2008 - Nothing buys happiness like a new pair of shoes

18 June 2008 - Next week
Roller Derby 6
Same great event - New *temporary* location.

18 June 2008 - Nice guys
Finishing first for a change.
16 June 2008 - Surrealism
I don't know art, but I know vandalism when I see it.

16 June 2008 - Improvisation
Thinking on your feet.

14 June 2008 - Talkin' shop
...with Australian track royalty.

13 June 2008 - Happy Friday - Twist and shout
New to the site?
Below the image is a small piece of text '
read more' which will reveal MORE photos and words.
12 June 2008 - Everyone loves a new bike
ESPECIALLY World Champions.

12 June 2008 - Professional Muppets and emotional rollercoasters
In any line of work you will find both.

11 June 2008 - We've got a bleeder!
Intensive care.

06 June 2008 - Under Pressure
05 June 2008 - Man's best friends.
Womens best friends also.
04 June 2008 - Hump day.
Cyclists fall asleep at the bars heavily drunk and career into oncoming racing cars....
02 June 2008 - Too much too young

02 June 2008 - You can't handle the 'Truth'
This is heavy reading.

30 May 2008 - Forces beyond my control
'effin technology. *EDIT*

28 May 2008 - Chopper says
Harden up, Gasparotto.

28 May 2008 - You get what you pay for
Free dishwater with every $2.99 breakfast combo or....

28 May 2008 - Irrefutable evidence
The internet does NOT lie.
Neither do I.
27 May 2008 - You've got it going OFF!
Vintage fyx.
26 May 2008 - May Mondayitis
I don't like Mondays...

23 May 2008 - Hard as lard
Another week another 23 cups of coffee.

22 May 2008 - The Bastard Lives *EDIT

21 May 2008 - Mental health brake
It'll slow your mental health

16 May 2008 - Head on

13 May 2008 - The need for speed
1400 rpm.

13 May 2008 - Too much too young
Living in the kinda fast lane.

09 May 2008 - Think... bout what you're trying to do me
Ignorance is bliss - but you can't ignore this.

08 May 2008 - U Turns accepted.

05 May 2008 - Late delivery
I need a holiday.

02 May 2008 - Stay at home Rain Main
Happy Friday.

30 April 2008 - Is it me?
Or is there something about Farleighs...
29 April 2008 - Bike thief with penchant for C-Record Concorde
C-Record Concorde road bike.
29 April 2008 - Australian Schools Cup 2008

27 April 2008 - Lest we forget
Those who fell at the ANZAC day Roller Derby.

27 April 2008 - Not dub dub dub. Blah blah blah.
Good morning.

22 April 2008 - Metalshaving milkshake
As the engine purrs, the spindle whirs, metal shavings come away like skim from milk.
They lay still in the oily bath of the lathe's belly.
Turning of the feed controls and a measure of time - from nothing, you have something.
Sometimes it's something beautiful.

22 April 2008 - New club members
To the 'Marriage Club'.

20 April 2008 - TC's Believe it or not
There is more to life than track.

20 April 2008 - The Lord has an announcement to make
*Speshul anownsmint*

18 April 2008 - Happy Friday! Roobaix Hangover
The Roobaix is over for another year, but the Roller Derby's keep rolling around every month.

17 April 2008 - It's in the bag!
Getting up for a 'man down'.

14 April 2008 - Twice as much Hell
Slightly bleary eyed from watch Tommeke destroy the Paris-Roubaix field, in Melburn we made history of our own.
10 April 2008 - Hey Buddy, It's Friday!

09 April 2008 - huh
09 April 2008 - Thailand: Travel Tips
I remember you?!

07 April 2008 - Gear up, roll out *EDIT*
This Saturday, it appears we will be blessed with some real Spring Classic weather.
More than 30 prizes - of between $50 - $500 to give away!
Rider limit will be increased to 300
in the crazy event that 300 people are ready to ride to Roobaix.
03 April 2008 - Nil carborundum illegitimi Donny.
Early Friday post. *EDIT*

01 April 2008 - I don't know Keirin, but I know Karazy!
I can do wheelin'

31 March 2008 - People throw away the craziest things
Trash and treasure.

30 March 2008 - Pawnography

30 March 2008 - The morning after the night before...
ROLLER DERBY Round three - they keep getting better!
*EDIT* with results.

In stereo
27 March 2008 - Four seasons in one FRIday
Sunshine on a black cloud hanging over the Docklands.

26 March 2008 - Col D'Uglier and other stuff at Brunswick Velodrome

26 March 2008 - Lonely hearts club
Past loves.

25 March 2008 - Cameo appearance as a courier.
All this week and next!

20 March 2008 - Drinkin' cocoa on the bear skin rug
Things that you go Hmmmmm.

19 March 2008 - Far-Ken Hell
We've all got to go someday.

Keep smashing your fork down with a thud and that day will come sooner rather than later.
16 March 2008 - The only photos that rock.
Austral 1008 rolls by - and we rocked the lens.

15 March 2008 - Feel good hit of the summer
Shocking what some will wear to get noticed.

13 March 2008 - Too smart for our own good?
Erased from the server, but not the servant.

12 March 2008 - Has it been 6 months?
Time continues to fly.

11 March 2008 - MEL: Pssst! Secret BBQ for Alf Walker
One of the cooler track heads we've had the pleasure of meeting is having his 60th Anniversary.
60 years with Brunswick Cycling Club.
A true living legend of the sport.
10 March 2008 - So long sucka!
The Brothers are gonna work it out.

Readers have been emailing about the wee browers popping up everytime they click the text that we usually put above the image.
It's just so you can experience the web in stereo - to navigate the site - at least in our minds thats they way we see it.
So if you just prefer pictures - head straight to 'read more' or you can even click the wee 'print button' for straight text and pics.
Otherwise check out the world wide web in 'stereo'
If you're place of perusal blocks cuntent, ie YOUTUBE then you'll have to sit in silence.
07 March 2008 - Only a month away...
Carry me o sweet chariot!

06 March 2008 - Scottish Friday
What is hot, crazy, and Scottish?
The wait is over.
05 March 2008 - Next time your are on the way to your desk
Consider this.

05 March 2008 - The fine art of looking good - and riding slow.
A 4.1 on the rant-0-scale.

05 March 2008 - Brunswick CC and fyxomatosis present
Roller Derby II

04 March 2008 - Have you seen this?! *EDIT*
The internet is a big place.
Lot's of people don't know about us so spread the word - and just like good trails, maybe there are a few spots you haven't blasted past.
For LSD.
04 March 2008 - Australian Madison Championships
Faster than ever.

03 March 2008 - It's raining Cats and Colnago's!

03 March 2008 - NYC: Monstertrack no more
Smart move
02 March 2008 - Rubber on tar
Never in one day have we heard so frequently� 'What kind of bike is that?!'
'It's a time machine!'

02 March 2008 - DVHCP
29 February 2008 - Way back when...
For GO'D.

29 February 2008 - Friday night!
28 February 2008 - Useless / Infrequently useful information Vol. 2
For Scooter - and anyone else who stores data usually reserved for the round file.

28 February 2008 - Really DOWN Under
B'n'C antics/antiques

28 February 2008 - My beautiful coffee!
27 February 2008 - Hump Day
Check out what the ether has to offer.
26 February 2008 - Clean laundry
Lots to do while you wait
- Brunswick CC / Fyxomatosis Roller Derby
- Australian Madison Championships / Sid Paterson GP
- Bendigo Madison
- Gravity Biking
25 February 2008 - If you want to GO faster *EDIT*
Pedal faster!
25 February 2008 - Strictly Speedin'
22 February 2008 - Give her a break!
A petition.

22 February 2008 - Thank Banksy it's Friday!
21 February 2008 - Twin Turbo.
Clock is still running.

20 February 2008 - Derailed
18 February 2008 - Sweet as your Mums marmalade.
Tasty treats coming soon.

18 February 2008 - Unveiling
15 February 2008 - Tour De Farce? Forlorn Friday
and the Tour de France.

'My yellow jersey is at home in a cardboard box. ... They are welcome to come and get it. I have my memories for myself.'
Bjarne Riis
14 February 2008 - More from NAHBS
13 February 2008 - Old News
Sometimes we need to be reminded that old to us may still be new to you.
13 February 2008 - Frames and Offending the Melburn City Council
Tuesday till Tuesday this week

12 February 2008 - Rookie
The joys of being young and knowing it all.
12 February 2008 - Reinventing the wheel
This year's NAHBS motto should be:
If it ain't fixed, fixed it!

11 February 2008 - HOMEWORK
Boring old Monday.

08 February 2008 - Takes us back
08 February 2008 - Start your Friday...
07 February 2008 - Buy Swap & Sell *EDIT
We're still sharpening this realm of fyxomatosis but soon, you can sell your pre-loved pista/corsa belongings to the world.
It's not as sharp as it will be, but very soon it will.

Don't cut yourself!
06 February 2008 - Episode III *EDIT*