Start your Friday...
Sheldon Brown , the Godfather of fixed, has passed away.
Dave Moulton eloquently captured Sheldon's lasting legacy.
Personally, I never met Sheldon. To me he was the kooky looking, grey bearded, tat wearing, walking velo-encyclopaedia.
Unlike others in that category, Sheldon documented his wealth of knowledge and decided to share it with the world - for free.
THAT is rare, and is why Sheldon, like true legends, will live beyond their time on earth.
He did email us at one stage to add a link to THIS site as he really enjoyed our photos - we'll even forgive his typing error.
Sheldon, you will be missed by those who didn't even meet you.

Not much has changed since the 50's. Some things remain constant.
Don't be just another monkey.
Thanks MC
Get 'em while they're black.
Just about all of the 'Cicli' shirts have gone... so if you want your fyx, get in fast.
There's even a few white shirts remaining.

One bianchi pista too many?
All the useless clutter on Velospace appears to have sunk the ship - at least for now.
The last thing they need is more people jumping on board while leaks are repaired. GO RIDE A BIKE!
Marrying a foreigner is a kind reminder of how crazy Australia can be to an outsider.
Caaaaaaaaw Caaaaaaaaaaw
Urban Velo #5
Now available for download/print.
It was at the CMWC in Barcelona that Ronasaur's eyes were opened to the world of track bikes - street style. Over a decade ago.
Check out who won FURTHEST TRAVELLED

Amongst a few side projects on simmer, one is getting closer to the boil.
Proof that you don't need to parlez français to get the French talking about you.
A little something to get your blood boiling
Cyclists should pay, says MP
Bike riders could be charged fees.
Photo: Joe Armao
Jano Gibson Urban Affairs Reporter
February 8, 2008
BICYCLE riders should pay registration fees to help legitimise their place on the roads and pay for infrastructure and safety campaigns, says the Federal Opposition spokesman on sports, Pat Farmer.
His plan has received a mixed response from bicycle lobby groups. It is less than a month since the NRMA questioned spending taxpayer dollars on barely used cycle paths.
Mr Farmer said motorists often complained it was unfair for cyclists to use roads without paying registration costs. A bicycle levy would make such an argument redundant and could increase government funding for bike lanes, he said.
"We need to work with cyclists and cycling associations to come up with a levy
so that we've got some money to support them with much-needed infrastructure and to justify them being on the road."
Mr Farmer, who recently moved from his western Sydney electorate of Macarthur to Mosman, is yet to determine the cost of the levy but said it could be administered at bike shops and applied to people over the minimum driving age.
The Minister for Roads, Eric Roozendaal, dismissed the idea, saying bike riding would remain a free activity in NSW.
"Mr Farmer should get himself a long-distance Malvern Star racer and enjoy the free bike ride between his new home in Mosman and his electorate in Campbelltown," he said.
Bicycle NSW said it supported initiatives that seek to legitimise cycling. "A form of bike registration or levy may help achieve this," said its chief executive, Alex Unwin.
But the Cycling Promotion Fund, a bicycle industry lobby group, said a levy would discourage bicycle use.
"There is no country around the world which has registration for bicycles, and the revenue raised would be quite low," said the organisation's program director, Rosemarie Speidel.
Preliminary results from a study undertaken on behalf of the Department of Health and Ageing found cyclists saved more than $82 million in public health costs, almost $64 million in traffic congestion-related costs and $9 million in greenhouse gas-related costs.
One of our favourites, and easily the tightest track frame we've ever had, now has a less agressive chrome fork and is up for grabs to pay for a flight to Paris...
Check it out at BOX DOG if you're in the area (On 14th in the Mission)
One thing we neglect to discuss here for obvious reasons is...
Whatever you choose to believe, practice and preach is your choice alone.
Check out 's sermon.
'I ask to be blessed and to be allowed to retire from the courier world.'

'This fixed wheel broke some record in mexico for going really fast. I cant remember which one but at the time it was a world record. Zack Speedfast broke that record coming down theobalds the other night. ' TheRealMike
End of an era for perhaps the World's most lovable courier, as Putz retires from couriereringering.
The courier that got me back into couriering after London, he was also one of the first few 'fixed' in Melburn on his beloved pink 'BASTARD'.
Also the inspiration for the CIAO! project.
Couriering was only half as much fun when I wasn't working with Putz.
All the best!
And circa the same era, our humble track racing beginnings, our friendly caffeine dealer and getting 'legs' on bikes.
