Too smart for our own good?
In our wisdom of adding members, and 'cleaning up' by deleting old accounts - we deleted the one account which has provided 90% of the content for the last few years...
We are truly as as we look - that's why you will rarely see pictures of us.
Good thing we've got an elephant's memory - and while it has gone from our server, it's still firm in our minds and naturally,
wheelmanon March 13 2008 10:09:22
It might have gone from your server.., but not everywhere.*/
mircsteron March 13 2008 18:40:53
i like se german jersey ya got there.
sieht gut aus....
BuddhaDaveon March 14 2008 00:59:30
I have that top-left picture taped to my work monitor. I like to look up at, cuz it's like he's pulling his hat down, ready to take off on his bike, and that makes me feel better about working in an office.
dubheadon March 15 2008 02:55:20
what a crazy nick.
hey and where is the happy friday post? i cant go home worrying about broken necks again...