Tony Two Timeson February 02 2009 14:10:34
Andrew does ssem to be applying himself to his air double b**** practice. But his right hand technique is way to high and he has no rock stance. All up a C minus. Can do better.
doubleoh2on February 02 2009 14:33:09
Where does this Oldy live??? 'Just park me custom painted frame next to me carton of Leffe and the Marshall stack, thanks bro!!!' Are we allowed to know what it was originally? Looks like my il Pompino except for the curvy stays... SWEEEEEEEEEET!
getinloston February 02 2009 14:39:08
It looks a "wee" bit like TC relieved himself during his dismount.
Oldyon February 02 2009 17:09:44
ha ha ha! The Leffe does make for a good prop beside the marshall quad i must say, ...didn't get to drink any of it though... a 'Xmas pressy in waiting' you see...