Twin Turbo.
We patiently stand back and capture the metamorphosis of your stock standard BT into the MacCoinneach - just like a butterfly.
If only there were two Turbo's - it'd be done by now.
To say you need patience to take on a task of this scale is an understatement. You also need talent.
It hasn't been without it's stuffs up and nights without sleep either.
We captured the further masking, cutting of pinstripes, preping, base coat black, then the scottish thistle - purple application which neatly divides the tartan and the carbon.
From here, it's back to masking, and ready for the decals - painted of course. THEN, unmasking, more masking, some gold splashes, the clear, handpainting...
Philthy1on February 21 2008 09:35:17
That first crash is gonna hurt so much more than the physical pain!
BuddhaDaveon February 21 2008 09:56:22
I feel like I'm waiting for my friend's baby to be born or something. I can't wait to see the end result.
LSDon February 21 2008 12:17:13
Nothing like seeing an artist create his own master piece for himslef. Time is limitless, as the ideas continue to evolve in their minds!!!
Hope it's finished for the rollers derby, if not the Austral.