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Wherever you lay your helmet...

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The fine art of looking good - and riding slow.

We make secret of our inability to wheelie, barspin or otherwise.

Call us crap. We call you slow.

To develop such skills requires much practice - which you could better spend in our minds getting some where - FAST!

Our helmets are off, and extended to this bloke who clearly rides as fast as our Grandma on the gove - like someone else we know.

Ever thought about getting a custom 700c barspinner instead of bleeding the world dry of 650c whatnots?

Why are we so angry?!

We care.

We don't want to read how another cyclist died, or is paralysed because they didn't wear a helmet, and then try and be empathetic.

'It wont happen to me'

Rant aside - this kid can ride.

Ride safe


Posted by fyxomatosis on 05 March 2008 7 Comments · 5305 Reads - Print

zuotian on March 05 2008 12:42:55
I fear for the day we see this stuff on the X-Games or, God help us, the Olympics.
BuddhaDave on March 06 2008 03:40:55
Yikes. While I admire the skill and balance some of these stunts take, bikes are not circus acts. They're for going.
nik on March 06 2008 05:20:49
not going to comment on the tricks... but i will say that a lot of kids running 650s with 700 (or even 27"smiley forks get very surprised when they suddenly toast their forks. something about all the extra clearance (and the impact from 'getting rad'smiley doesnt add up all that well for them.
Chopper on March 06 2008 11:21:52
I'm amazed these dudes are getting so much coverage when these tricks are beginner 'tricks' for flatland BMX and those eastern euro chicks have been burning out way tougher stuff for years.....
tone on March 11 2008 08:12:12
Come on fellas, why do you have to be so negative, a bike is a bike, you should be supporting them, the more people riding means less cars. We live in London where you cant go anywhere without a car cutting you of and a pedestrian walking in front of you, so its only natural to want to ride in places
like this and have fun. One other thing, its alot easier doing these tricks on a bmx than a track bike. Too much bike snobbery going on already.
fyxomatosis on March 12 2008 08:33:53
Hey Tone

Any snobbery lays primarily with the fashion flowing between 650c front wheels and not wearing a helmet. Probably a culture spill from where they are stealing the tricks - STREET BMX.

Helmets just aren't cool enough - yet.

Ride safe, whatever you ride.

tone on March 13 2008 05:17:38
I agree with you about the helmets TC, I would say that after reading your articles it convinced me to get one. Cheers, Tone. smiley
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