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Frames and Parts

Nil carborundum illegitimi Donny.

Old cars, much like old bikes are timeless beauties.

Sculpted lines, REAL chrome, steel construction, styled for life.

Found another fine dealer of unprohibited goods in Bank pl, which is right next to one of my favourites places to dine. Syracuse

Across the street, and where the Benz is parked is one of world's finest restaurants. Vue de Monde. You've got to wonder how 'fancy' it really is when they'll let couriers dine there in between jobs...

Along the fancy lines, the Gonz has new wheels and ideas for the Gravity bike.

Grimeca tri-spoke alloys. Prodotti Italia.

Busy weekend and week ahead. The weather has been catastrophic this week, easily the scariest conditions I've ever experienced on a bike.

Hopefully it is all gone by 12pm - April 12.

The little latin I know I learnt in school when the motto was drilled into me.

Fidelis Usque Ad Mortem.

Faithful until death.

Even then that sounded a bit too serious to me at 13.

I prefer Carpe Diem and Nil carborundum illegitimi

Seize the Day and Don't let the bastards grind you down.

Advanced Bicycle Mechanics

with Donny.

World's Second Fastest Courier.

We share a name, a hairstyle, a country, a love of bikes of all types, and love going hard.

We also shared a slightly dimished aptitude for mechanics, but we could always keep her rolling, keep her upright.

Donny walks us through drivetrain lubrication in between deliveries.

Still on the topic of Courieringering...

Squid is on a roll. I've met many inspiring couriers, and the best ones all tend to be spinning more than just a plate full of jobs.

Grandpa Joe caught up with Squid recently in Noo Yark, and Squid opened Joe's eyes to the mad idea of the Figure 8 Track that Cyclehawk is bringing back to life.

When it happens, I'll be there.



WHEELS OF FORTUNE: Queens native Kevin Bolger has spent 16 years gliding through city traffic.

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March 31, 2008-- Kevin Bolger refers to the 16 years he's spent as a bicycle messenger in Manhattan as "16 winters," because the cold months are when work is abundant and the weather takes its toll.

The son of a city cabdriver, Bolger, who grew up in Queens and San Diego, got started in the trade at 20, after dropping out of college. His brother had been a bike messenger, but quit after breaking a finger in an accident, and Bolger was bequeathed his messenger bag and bike and took to the streets.

Now 36, Bolger lives with his wife, a former messenger, and baby boy in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. He still rides daily, but he's slowing down some - last year he opened his own messenger company, CycleHawk, and spends part of the day off the street, answering phones and hustling new clients.

Bolger, a lanky, laid-back sort who resembles a California surfer until he speaks up and a full-blown Noo Yawk accent emerges, sat down with The Post in the company's small office near the Port Authority Bus Terminal. The walls are decorated with posters promoting various bike races and hard-rock bands, as well as memorials to messengers killed in the line of duty.

I loved biking as a kid. My first job was as a newspaper delivery boy, when I was 11. I thought it was cool that you could make money being outside riding a bike.

I graduated high school in Queens, from Archbishop Malloy, and went to college in Arizona. I lasted just a few weeks before I realized I didn't want any more of school. So I came back to New York and did odd jobs, like working in a warehouse and as a security guard. I was 20, and I wasn't enjoying work and had no idea what to do with my life.

When I saw my brother's bike and messenger bag, I thought, let me try this. I took a job and fell in love with it. It was hard work, but I felt good physically, and being outdoors was freedom. So I just kept at it.

If you want to be a good messenger and make money, you wake up nice and early and be sure your bike and equipment are ready to go. You check the weather so you have the proper gear on. I carry a spare tube and a pump because the main thing that keeps you from rolling is a flat.

I ride in from Brooklyn at 6:30, and I'm ready to go by 7:15. Work starts coming in at 8. We pick up from architectural firms - they have blueprints in tubes and they need to get them out. A lot of fashion houses use us.

On most days I'm out on the bike half the day. I set up the office and deliveries, and then hit the streets when it gets busy. In the afternoons I'll either work the office or go around and try to develop clients. We're bringing in two to three clients a week, and we started six months ago, so so far we're good.

The best days of messengering are gone. The computer and fax cut into the business. But there's still plenty of work. I don't know about anywhere else, but in Manhattan there's still a lot of stuff that people need to see physically in their hands as fast as we can get it to them.

It's a rush when you get a package to someone real quick, and they ask how you can get around so fast. On a bike, you can move. I ride more carefully now than when I was younger, but even riding careful a bike is a fast way to get through the city. It becomes almost a meditation, and you feel like you're right in the middle of New York.

When something happens in New York, a messenger sees it first. This is the most interesting city in the world, and you're part of it every day. I've rode past bank holdups and elephants walking down Seventh Avenue.

The bad part is snow, rain, injury and danger. Messengers get killed out there. You have to be careful.

I never wore a helmet until 2005. I was coming across the Williamsburg Bridge, and as I changed lanes I misjudged the speed of a car and got T-boned. The car just rammed me, and I smashed into the windshield. That was the closet I ever came to eating it. I wound up with nine stitches. Now I wear a helmet anytime I get on a bike. I learned.

I've done 16 winters on this job and always loved it. This job gives you freedom. You can work hard during the winter and travel when it gets slower in the summer. I've traveled the world.

But now I'm older, and we have a baby, and my priorities are different. I'm thinking 10-15 years down the road. This job wears you down physically, so I'll have to stop one day. That's why I wanted to start a business, so I can work inside. I still love riding the bike, but this is a young man's game.

LSD sent us some post-Roobaix cleaning ideas from BelgianKneeWarmers.

The Art of the Bike Wash

I've heard a lot of talk about the 'walking your fixed-wheel' phenom but haven't seen it.

Is this it?

The fixed.org.au HOUR ATTEMPT was held last weekend, and on the other side of the world, Niki had the same idea which was caught on film and uploaded for his viewing torture - our viewing pleasure.

Stolen from Tracko

Happy Friday.

Ride safe, wear a helmet, yadda yadda, and as Finno (who is about to become responsible for a human life) would say:

'Be good. If you can't be good - be good at it'

ps. If anyone knows how to convert and upload VOB files to youtube - we have an unseen vid of this starring the World's Fastest Couriers.

Posted by fyxomatosis on 03 April 2008 11 Comments · 1051 Reads - Print

angrydwarf on April 03 2008 21:32:43
I still miss my 1967 250SE from tiem to time...but I don't want to own another one.

And you're right about Syracuse. If they've got them, try the zucchini flowers.
BuddhaDave on April 03 2008 23:25:47
I have a couple programs I could try. If you want to work out getting me the files I'd be more than happy to help.
Philthy1 on April 04 2008 08:38:43
Essential Latin #4 - Mens tuus est quaam languine pene senis. "Your mind is a limp as an old man's penis."
Ross on April 04 2008 14:49:22
Is Gonz getting new tyres as well? Somehow I don't think Hookworms would be the most suitable for gravity racingsmiley
doubleoh2 on April 04 2008 15:26:09
non-hookworms??? Why not?
mircster on April 04 2008 16:45:25
for us non-oostrailians. is this chopper guy for real??
dubhead on April 04 2008 19:50:18
You bet he is. You can bid on a coffee with him on ebay. Shameless self-promotion..yes. But...
hicksy on April 05 2008 14:42:37
Try the conversion program from http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html to convert that movie
Nicholas on April 05 2008 23:58:08
The great thing about cycling is when you're out on a sunny day, you're always gonna see a couple of vintage sleds knocking around.
Walshy on April 08 2008 23:38:59
Donny also proved his superior bike-mechanic prowess by swapping a seatpost over just a short while after purchasing a new bike. I believe that the installation of the new seatpost was neccesary because the existing post didn't match the dark hue of the frame. Needless to say, it might be worth getting a step-by-step reconstruction of the advanced process that involved blow torches, ice bags, blisters and pizza!
fyxomatosis on April 09 2008 11:57:08
top man!
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