Dan and I were just discussing the other day how many frames we've sold have been dealt eerily similar fates.
Another reason to take good photos - so you can remember them fondly.
The Lord has his final 3 track machines on offer.
Even if you can't manage the cabbage for them - there is always
The handover - circa 2005.
I'm not even going to link to all the other damaged, dead, impaired frames which resulted from being hit, hitting beings, too much of the ol' 'POP IT UP!', riding home under the influence, or just muppet maintenance.
It's not all in vain.
Council of Doom has been sharpening their skills, perhaps that is
how Old Bob met his maker.
Keep pushin' the envelope.
Speaking of pushing'..
Anna Meares. Stronger than ever.
Hi Everyone,
The last time I wrote I was over run with emotion after knowing that I made it into the top 9 and subsequently remained qualified for the Beijing Olympics. That was almost 1 month ago now and this past month has seen improvements in leaps and bounds in many areas.
I have officailly been declared normal for the past three weeks now. This means I can do any and all exercises necessary to get myself fit and strong again. Woo hoo!
So into the gym and into the weights as well as high intensity work on the velodrome. After doing 5 weeks of only standing starts and rolling accelerations on the track while the team was away at the world titles ment that a change in training exercises was a sight for my sore eyes. And it was rather nice having people to talk to and intermingle with again at sessions.
When I started back into the gym I was single leg pressing 50 kg, I am currently lifting with one leg 215kg. I started at 20-40kg for squats and I am currently lifting 120kg x6! This was a huge pb for me as I had only ever lifted 120kg for 3 reps not 6. I have done intense work on my arms and abs and I am happy to say that the ole tuckshop arms are lookin pretty good. I have put on 4kg, much to Marvs delight, as I lost 3 kg after the fall.
On the track I have also ridden a pb since coming back. Standing quarter lap my previous pb was 7.3 seconds and last week I rode 7.1 seconds. The boys were not too impressed as they had to put in to stay ahead of me but Marv was very happy.
Needless to say that with all of this high intensity work the fatigue has finally caught up with me this week. My body is cashing in for sleep. After a productive 2 weeks this week has been a struggle but good none the less.
My neck has been going so much better then we anticipated. Once the intensity stepped up my neck tightened up as it has done in the past but in the last week it has remained normal and not hindered me in any way which is very good news and has kept everyone who has worked day in and day out on me in the last 3-4 months some time to breathe easy.
As you could imagine I am feeling very strong at the moment thanks to the hard work in the gym and this is coming out on the bike. However when it comes to speed work when I need to pedal quickly and smoothly... It is nearly none existant... ha ha ha. Well not quite that bad but it is something we need to work on but are not yet panicing as we have 4 months to get that happening... Strength takes longer and so is the focus for now.
I have a fitness trial at a race in Melbourne on June 12th. This is at the request of selectors. Although I am pre selected in the team they want me to prove I can ride the team time of 11.77 seconds over 200m as I have not raced since I fell in January which is fair enough.
Once that is done we are heading overseas from June 21st until the completion of the games. Ill go into depth on that a bit later.
Hope youve enjoyed the read and Ill keep you updated on how things are going in a few more weeks.