Too much too young
I started drinking coffee at a VERY early age.
Admittedly it was Blend 43, very milky, VERY sweet, but nonetheless it was Caffeine. When I took my first plane ride at 5 and asked for coffee, the stewardness nearly tipped her trolley. 'You sure?'
Worked for me - and it's working for Harvey.
We caught up with the youngster after seeing The Good Doctor for a working over.
BuddhaDaveon May 14 2008 00:00:52
Even though it's genetically impossible, I really hope my kid has red hair.
discoon May 14 2008 10:38:08
from my memory Dr Squinzi doesn't have red hair, but fyxomatosis does, Is there something your not telling us fyx? Is that the price to dance with the devil these days-your first born!