Happy Friday - Twist and shout
Lots of round and roundy.
Anna Meares will be reprezentin' Australia again, and also the NBA (Neck breakers Anonymous)
Ryan Bayley, Daniel Ellis and Shane Kelly will be doing their best in the team sprint, and were only slighted pipped by the Malaysians, starring Austral crowd favourite A-Z.
They all featured alongside some younger local talent -Roller Derby runner up, Josh Vicino breaking away in a spectacular win his scratch race.
Must be all that spinnnnning.
Check out the interviews with Miss Anna, El Diablo and Ray to come.
Philthy1on June 13 2008 18:27:34
Number 51: Josh Vicino - The rider of the night! - I knew he had a secret weapon - self igniting flatulence! No wonder no-one could get past him! Well done Anna too. Great photos once again TC. Anna's determination, Ryan's intensity, the judges' consternation, Mitch's mullet. You captured it all!
BuddhaDaveon June 15 2008 01:55:23
What is that ball of fire?